Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Requirements, Requirements, Requirements


Now I’m not one to generally take pictures in public restrooms but this one required it.  This is the sign on top of the urinal at a restaurant/bar I frequented near my prior place of employment.  Note “at a bar”.  Someone had the bright idea of putting in very fashionable urinals “AT A BAR” that had smooth curved tops.  Just the right place for the average male 6 beers to the wind to place has recently acquired glass of Blue Moon.  I wonder how many such glasses landed gracefully on the floor before the sign was installed?

No I understand that it’s both expensive and time consuming to replace bathroom fixtures, especially sleek fashionable ones, but there is  a workaround…How about a shelf?

Royal Flush

I believe I experienced my first fully automated public men’s room.  In the Detroit airport no less (which BTW is one of the nicest airports I’ve been through).  Anyway, it’s always bugged me that every component in a men’s room can be automated, toilet, urinal, faucet, soap dispenser, towel dispenser, hand dryer (Detroit has both towel dispenser and hand dryers!), but every one I’ve ever been in has had a non-automated version of at least one of them. 

Well, it appears that my quest for complete automation is finally over and we can all be thankful for that!

Friday, April 02, 2010

Farewell, Best Wishes and New Beginnings

So after weeks of excitement and energy and general giddiness that I was leaving my job, and especially after finding one and giving formal notice, I showed up on my last day, packed up my stuff, sent out my farewell email and left with a profound sense of sadness.  It wasn’t the job, it was more like I was no longer part of the club.  I am now an outsider.  I no longer have anyone to bitch about my job to and even if I did, it is no longer my job.  It is no longer my company.  The place and people that had been such an integral part of my life for 14 years is no longer mine.  I was anchorless and alone. 

I woke up much the same this morning.  Several times throughout the day I checked my email, hoping almost that there was some crisis that only I could solve, but there wasn’t.  Intellectually, I accept my own insignificance, the sun will still rise and the work will go on.  But it’s a bit tough to actually live through.

Tuesday will be a whole new beginning.  I can’t wait.