Friday, April 02, 2010

Farewell, Best Wishes and New Beginnings

So after weeks of excitement and energy and general giddiness that I was leaving my job, and especially after finding one and giving formal notice, I showed up on my last day, packed up my stuff, sent out my farewell email and left with a profound sense of sadness.  It wasn’t the job, it was more like I was no longer part of the club.  I am now an outsider.  I no longer have anyone to bitch about my job to and even if I did, it is no longer my job.  It is no longer my company.  The place and people that had been such an integral part of my life for 14 years is no longer mine.  I was anchorless and alone. 

I woke up much the same this morning.  Several times throughout the day I checked my email, hoping almost that there was some crisis that only I could solve, but there wasn’t.  Intellectually, I accept my own insignificance, the sun will still rise and the work will go on.  But it’s a bit tough to actually live through.

Tuesday will be a whole new beginning.  I can’t wait.

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